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Unjha Rajashahi Amrit Rasayan Chyavanprash 1Kg to our valuable clients. This precious ayurvedic proprietary is clinically proved beneficial in premature debility, body wasting and under weight, debilitated weakness, deficiency of vital elements and minerals and as a health supplement during illness.

Main Ingredients: Amala, Dhavdi na ful, Piper, Shatavari, Liquid Kesar, Elaychi, Safed Musali, Shilajit Musali, Shilajit Suddha, Ashwagandha, Bang Bhasma, Mukta Shukti Pishti, Suvara Bhasma, Ras Sidur, Hirak Bhasma, Sugar(Base), Chandi na Varakh,

1-2 tablespoonfull (10-20 gm.) twice a day with luke warm milk.

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